Boddingtons Plastics Limited was placed into Administration on 1 July 2024 and Ian Corfield and David Hudson of FRP Advisory Trading Limited were appointed as Joint Administrators.
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Boddingtons lifts the lid at PDM 2016

  • By lucy
  • 13 June, 2016

How to succeed in med-tech moulding – Boddingtons lifts the lid at PDM 2016 – June 15th

Boddingtons Commercial Director Keith Lawson will present a detailed case study on the company’s award-winning Braidlock medical device at the Plastics Design and Moulding exhibition, Telford, June 15th 2016

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Triple Plastics Industry Awards winner Boddingtons is also exhibiting its complete ranges of services at PDM 2016. On the Wednesday morning Lawson will provide an overview of the pitfalls and opportunities in manufacturing for the medical market before launching into the Braidlock project story.

Lawson says that ‘Boddingtons works with the newest start ups and the largest OEMs in the med-tech field. Like any other, the sector has its risks and its opportunities. In the past five years we have worked hard to streamline our approach and our services to minimise the former for all concerned – and to maximise the latter. Our hard work is paying dividends and the proportion of our med-tech work is increasing.

Boddingtons has exhibited its med-tech credentials at two exhibitions thus far this year – in Germany and the UK – and is set to return to Germany in November 2015 as an exhibitor at the prestigious Compamed exhibition.

New video material, website and corporate literature will all be part of the new look Boddingtons presentations at PDM Telford 2016, as well as a foretaste of the company’s brand new purpose built 2nd factory on the Marden site.

The new Boddingtons moulding facility is set to be operational from next month. It will double the manufacturing footprint of the company and will play a key part in sustaining the sales growth enjoyed by Boddingtons over the past 2-3 years.

Some 15% of the floorspace has been initially dedicated to Class 7 cleanroom manufacturing. The new factory site will also provide Boddingtons with an impressive white room manufacturing facility along with specialised assembly areas. The two factory areas – existing and new – will work in parallel and are serviced separately, thus offering full ‘risk mitigation’ for the most demanding customers in technical and medical sectors.

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